
Key Information
PE days - We have PE on Tuesdays (Indoor) and Thursday (Outdoors). Please ensure that your child comes into school in their PE kit on these days. All children need to wear shorts for the indoor sessions for Health and Safety.
Spellings - Given out every Friday and due back the following Wednesday. DoodleSpell is an expectation (3x practise and test each week.)
Maths - Given out on Tuesday and due back the following Monday. DoodleMaths is an expectation (3 x a week and in the green zone.)
Reading - Children are expected to read at least 3 times a week, they can also earn a Star reader award.
Brain Builder - Every half term your child will receive a Brain Builder. This will need to be completed by the date in the Brain Builder. This will stop when SATs revision starts. 
Mrs B Glass

Class Teacher