
Key Information
PE Days - We have PE on Fridays (Outdoor) and Tuesdays (Indoor). Please ensure that your child comes into school in their PE kits on these days. 
Library - Is every Monday. Please can your child bring in their library book so that they can change it for a new library book. 
Spellings -  Given out every Friday and due back the following Wednesday.
Maths group - A DoodleMaths task is set weekly
Reading - We encourage children to read at least 3 times a week. They can work towards earning a Star Reader Award. 
Brain Builder - Once a half term your child will receive a Brain Builder. This will need to be completed by the date in the Brain Builder and will be linked to the work we are doing in class.
DoodleMaths, DoodleTables and DoodleSpell - Please encourage your child to Doodle at least 3 times a week. They can earn 3 epraise points for each of these (totaling 9 epraise points every week) if completed 3 times.
Mrs A Tiana

Class Teacher

Mrs Tiana will teach on Monday and Tuedsay

Miss E Sutton-Melrose

Class teacher

Miss Sutton-Melrose will teach on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.