Extra-Curricular Clubs
Bramingham Primary School offers a variety of after school clubs and activities for children to attend and enjoy. These are run by staff at the school and any children wishing to take part must have their parents or carers sign up via the community page on epraise. Some clubs will have limited spaces. If the number of children waiting to join a club exceeds the limit, a waiting list will be set up. Minimum numbers will apply for some clubs to operate, and the clubs will change every half term.
Staff will let parents know if a club is to be cancelled with as much notice as possible and the school text messaging service will be used where possible to do this.
Children must be collected promptly at the time specified when the club finishes. Children attending a club should behave in the same way as would be expected of them during normal school hours.
Please also note that clubs are open to all children but limited by numbers. There will be competitive tournaments, matches and competitions from time to time when a team will be chosen to represent the school. There will also be non-competitive festivals that children can take part in to enjoy working with others and practise the skills learnt in the clubs.
If you child would like the school to offer a particular opportunity, ask them to let their school council representative or Mrs Colledge-Orr know as we are always looking to extend our current offer wherever possible.